Not As Easy

AS IT Looks Dude

Features that set
us apart from the rest

Calf-Grip Technology

Stitching that keeps the sock up and firmly in place.

Comfort Sex Appeal

Ventilation Mesh

Extra-light mesh for increased foot breatheability

Comfort Performance

Cushioned Footbed

Designed for ultimate comfort &
extra support

Comfort Performance

First-Class Long Staple Cotton

Shrink reducing fibres that are soft and smooth

Injury Prevention Sex Appeal

Anatomic Arch compression

For absorbing impact and providing blister protection

Comfort Performance

Finding a Damn Manufacturer

How do you find a manufacturer when you know nothing about sock production? Learn everything dude.

It took 2 months of just diving through details like yarn count and colors. That shit aiint fun. But if you love it, you’ll keep going.

Pro Tip: Manufacturers get scared by low order values. Claim to have funding and get your foot in the door.

Designing a Sexy Sock

You know what you want, but no idea how to use any Adobe software, at all?
No sweat.

There are people out there who design for a living and are good at it. Contact them through a freelance platform and iterate till you have your dream design.

Pro Tip: Upwork is 10x better than fiverr.

Scared Money Don’t Make Money

How do you finally commit to something you’ve obsessed over for months?

Paralysis by analysis is real. At the end of the day, you just got to get it out there and work to improve it after. Remember, fuck being afraid of failure.

Pro Tip: Do a soft launch using just Facebook Ads to drive traffic. Get reviews and see peoples thoughts. Iterate accordingly.

Constantly Innovate

“Ah we’re finally live, let’s just sit back and let Facebook Ads do their thing righttttt?” Our answer: WRONG. Once you’re live, get as much feedback as possible from customers and get iterating, fast. Make your manufacturer your best friend and be constantly working on the next thing.

Pro Tip: Create a Product Evolution Timeline. What will your sock look like 2 years from now.